Missionary Disciples | June 28

July 4

  • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826 — on the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence. 
  • Americans eat around 150 million hot dogs each Independence Day.
  • In 1776 there were 25 thousand Catholics in the U.S.
  • In 2022 there are 73 million. 
  • Pray for those still under oppression. 

Quote from Living as Missionary Disciples

Once we have encountered Christ, as did the disciples, we are sent forth on mission “to the ends of the earth” to invite others to this encounter. (page 14)


Fr. Frank DeSiano, the head of Paulist Evangelization ministries, did a webinar last week on the Religious Landscape of America. I am attaching the link to this 40-minute presentation and the slides he used. Some things you will learn from this presentation

  • 16% of Americans feel that religion is important in their lives. 
  • 40% attend religious services a few times a year. 57% attend seldom or never. 
  • 32% of Hispanic Catholics do not see the Church as welcoming. 
  • 43% of White Catholics see the Church as divided.


46% of Catholic adults in the US are single. This comprises of widowed (6.4%); never-married (27.7%), separated (3.3%) or divorced (8.7%). They range in years of age and variety of careers.

Sitting alone in the parish pew can be a lonely experience. Many singles have been unintentionally left out of family-focused church life. Parishes need to raise their awareness to the needs of this unique component of their population. Singles can bring an infinite number of gifts to the parish family.  They desire to share their gifts with the Church. Their experiences of their own family, religious education, youth programs, college and life have given them a key foundation to serve others. But if they come to church, feel unwelcome and leave discontented, a precious gift of a person has just left the building and maybe the parish. 

Ideas to reach out:  

  • Continue to support widows and widowers: This group often describe feeling abandoned by both friends and their church when a spouse dies.
  • If a single adult registers in the parish (Including single parents, divorced, widowed, never married) get them involved immediately. Even a small task with be beneficial to the whole parish. 
  • Invite single people to be engaged in liturgical ministries. Too often we look for families to do this. (Ministers of Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Choir, etc.) 
  • Don’t schedule all your activities around the school year. E.g., refreshments after Mass, adult faith formation, parish gatherings. 
  • When you see a single person sitting alone, join them at Mass or at a gathering. 

From your Mobile Phone – QR code. Open your camera on your phone and aim toward the QR code and the link should appear or search for “Diocese of Buffalo” through the App Store/Google Store. Tap the link with your finger and this will direct you to the app store. Then, Install and open the app and you’re ready to go!

From your Computer via this website: dioceseofbuff.vyten.app


Please read the following opportunities for running Alpha in your Family of Parishes. Please note when you register for any of the following events that it may give you CDT (Central Daylight Time). Which means the session will start an hour later for Eastern Daylight Time.

  • A NIGHT WITH ALPHA Thursday, Aug. 17. 8:00 – 9:30 PM. Eastern Time. (Note when you register it will say 7-8:30 PM because that is CDT). More Alphas are offered in the fall than at any other time of the year. On Thurs. Aug. 17 we invite you to join Alpha USA Executive Director John Wentz and special guests as we kick off the fall season with a night of celebration, prayer, and vision casting. You are encouraged to bring together anyone interested in Alpha so you can watch it as a group. Alpha will provide a watch party kit for you closer to the date of the event. Click here to register.
  • An Interactive Online Training to Experience: WHAT IT IS LIKE TO RUN ALPHAAugust 29 or August 31. Alpha is a space for people outside the church to explore faith within the context of the local church. Gather with other churches and leaders from across the country for an interactive training to develop an understanding of Alpha and how to get the most out of running a course in your context. We will cover topics like ‘What is Alpha?’, the 7 best practices of Alpha, the Alpha small group and leading prayer ministry.
  • Alpha Administrators Meeting. Every Wednesday starting Aug. 30 – Nov. 27. 11:00 to 12:00 EST. This is for any parish that is running Alpha and wants to hear and share insights and best practices to maximize your opportunity to have a successful Alpha. Hosted by Alpha Catholic Context. (These online gatherings will last one hour). Click here to learn more.
  • Sept. 5: 7-8:30 PM. Alpha Host and Helper Training. Click here to learn more.
  • Sept. 7: 7-9:00 PM. Alpha Prayer Ministry Training. Click here to learn more.

September 17: Start of Adult and Youth Alpha in FoP.

Nov. 4: Retreat day 10:00 – 4:00 P.M. for Parishes doing Alpha. There will be two tracks – a track for Adults and a Track for Youth. This will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Springbrook. The theme of the retreat will be the 4 sessions of the Holy Spirit that are part of the Alpha course.


Make the most of your Run Alpha experience and visit our online training center for leaders before you attend. Visit the site, click login and enter your email address—new users will be asked to create a password.


I am looking for parishes to host the “Life in the Eucharist” training and “Do You Hear What I Hear?” Training. For more information contact S. Louise: lalff2@buffalodiocese.org


Sunday, June 25, there was a gathering of women from the 4 parishes that make up Family 21 – Blessed Trinity, St. Lawrence, St. Martin de Porres and Ss. Columba/Brigid. Parish representatives spoke about the women’s organizations, and they talked about how the Family parishes could support one another. They left knowing that it was only the beginning of a strong relationship. 

Prayer for July 4th

God of all nations and ages,

We recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations;

for what has been achieved we give you thanks, for the work that still remains we ask your help, and as you have called us from many peoples to be one nation, grant that, under your providence, our country may share your blessings with all the peoples of the earth.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
