How much do you know about religion?
And how do you compare with the average American? Here’s your chance to find out. Take this short, 15-question quiz, created by Pew Research and see how you do in comparison with 10,971 randomly sampled adults who were asked these and other questions designed to measure the public’s knowledge about a wide range of religious subjects. When you finish the quiz, you will be able to compare your knowledge of religion against that of the participants in the nationally representative survey as well as with people of various religious traditions, people who attend worship services frequently or less often, men and women, and college graduates as well as those who did not attend college. Click here for link to quiz. |
Quote from Living as Missionary Disciples
Jesus gives us a model for becoming missionary disciples. “Come and see”, “Follow me”, “Remain in me”, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” That is summed up in these 4 words: encounter, accompany, community and send. (pg. 9)
Parish Ideas
- Center ministry on scripture: “Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” (Heb. 13:2)
- Wear name-tags
- Arrive early
- Don’t neglect your post
- Extend a warm welcome
- Make eye-contact
- Introduce yourself
- Ask the person their first name and use it in responding
- Invite them to sign a guest book
- Introduce guest to some parishioners
- Stand at the walkways of the church
- Hold the church doors open
- Have umbrellas handy for sudden storms and walk people to or from their cars
- Have reserved parking for “first-time” guests
- At the end of mass return to post and thank people for attending
- If your task is to find volunteers to bring up the gifts invite people who are sitting alone
Everyday Evangelizing for Everyday Catholics
Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence. (1 Peter 3:15)
- Everyday Evangelizing in the Parish
- Introduce yourself to those you don’t know.
- Periodically change pews to meet others.
- Sit in the middle of the pews – it’s an invitation to invite others to sit with you.
- Be gracious in the parking lot.
- Explain the Mass and the rituals to those who are not familiar with the Catholic faith.
- Send a card to a child making first communion or someone being confirmed.
- If a baptism is at Mass – go up to the family after Mass, introduce yourself and congratulate the family.
- Support parish leaders.
- Get involved, if only on a small scale.
- Invite someone to attend a parish function with you.
- At parish gatherings: Look around to those who are standing or sitting alone and invite them to join you.
Christmas is only 3 months away.
Last chance to sign up for: Do You Hear What I Hear?
You will be trained, and given all of the materials to implement this 90 minute fun filled, educational, high-spirited gathering in your parish or in your family of parishes. We will use the sounds and symbols of Christmas in a simple and creative way to invite people to experience the full meaning of some of our cherished Christmas carols.
The training will be: Saturday, October 1, Blessed Trinity – St. Charles Hall. 9 – 11 AM. (Blessed Trinity is located at 317 Leroy Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14214).
Cost: $10 per person or $30 for the “family of parishes” To register: contact Sr. Louise at or call 716-847-5585.