Prayer for Renewal
Frequently Asked Questions
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Have questions about the Renewal?
Do you have questions about the Renewal? Ask them here and Father Bryan will answer them in a video that will be posted to the DoB App and the Renewal website. Do you have questions about the Renewal? Go to our Contact Us page on the Renewal App and fill out the form and we will get back to you via email at our earliest convince.
Is there a specific form to complete regarding the establishment of Pillar Groups in the Family of Parishes? How do we get parishioiners committed for pillars?
Under the Resources section, this app will provide Information about:
What is the role of parishioners if priests are not on board with the Road to Renewal?
Parishioners can first pray for priests and keep encouraging priests, continue to obtain information on the Diocesan level and let your Vicar Forane know. The Vicar Forane can help with this - priests may be experiencing anxieties and stresses because of uncertainties.
What is the criteria used to determine a successful Family of Parishes?
"The groundwork criteria for a successful FoP includes the following:
How will Sunday offerings / collections be handled for Family of Parishes?
Sunday offerings / collections are based on specific parish envelops used for collections. Offerings will be directed per the name of the parish indicated on the envelope.
How can church bulletins support more transparency about the Renewal process?
If there is information about the RTR that you believe should be included in your parish bulletins, it is recommended that you contact your pastor or other administrative staff who are involved in the production and circulation of the parish or Family of Parishes bulletin.
When will Pastors be assigned?
Priests will be assigned at multiple times due to a wide variety of factors. The assignment of priests is based on what was learned from the pilot families and based on the individual needs of each clergy member.
What is the role of a Renewal Representative?
Each parish has 2 Renewal Representatives that have been appointed by the Pastor/Administrator to represent the individual parishes in relaying information about the Renewal to the parish.
What is the goal/responsibility of the 6 Pillar Groups?
The objective of the 6 pillar groups is to identify common strengths, from ministries, to administrative practices, to heritage and traditions, so that they may be shared and brought forward in the new Family of Parishes (FoP). An additional goal is to overcome limitations and shortcomings. These discussions and decisions serve to create a Family Action Plan for the FoP. The Family Action Plan will contain overall goals for the FoP for years 1, 2 and 3 of operating as a Family, as well as Pillar specific goals for years 1, 2 and 3.
When can my Family of Parishes get started? Do we have to wait for a certain date?
Your Family of Parishes may begin Activation once a Pastor has formally been appointed to your Family of Parishes.
Have start dates been determined for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Families of Parishes yet?
There will be rolling or ongoing activation for Families of Parishes. Activation is the 6-month pillar planning process which culminates in a Family Action Plan and prepares a Family for Inauguration. All Families of Parishes will need to begin activation no later than July 1, 2023 to be ready for Inauguration by January 1, 2024.
Where can I learn about the Road to Renewal?
If I join a Pillar Group, what is the time commitment involved?
Pillar Groups are key to creating, maintaining and sustaining the new efficiencies of the FoP, as well as continuing to achieve all future goals outlined in the Family Action Plan from year to year. To be clear, Pillar Groups will not only come together for the initial 6 month planning and preparation phase, but should become a permanent part of the Family structure. Each Family would have the option to create its own participation guidelines regarding length of service on the Pillar Group.
How can I join a Pillar Group?
The Renewal Team is recommending that each FoP provide this information on their website, bulletins, announcements, and social media. If this information is not available on any of these, please contact the parish office.
How do I know if I should join a Pillar Group?
People who have participated in the Pillar Groups in the pilot programs are those who have experience working in or have a special interest in one of the following Pillar areas of being Church: Liturgy, Spiritual Life, Forming Disciples, OutReach/InReach, Stewardship, Administration. Depending on the amount of free time you have, you can be involved in more than 1 Pillar Group.