Before the Merger/Closure

The priority during this period is the careful and sensitive pastoral preparation of the parishioners for the impending merger/closure. During this time, a number of other preparations can begin as well. These considerations are outlined here.

  1. Parishioners should be informed that they will need to reregister at the parish of their choice after the merger, which may or may not be the designated receiving parish.
    • If they choose to affiliate with the receiving parish, verify their registration information contained in PDS with the central Family Office as a matter of best practice.
    • After the merger, they can contact the designated receiving parish for their personal sacramental records and PDS information.
    • If the receiving parish has the same (or similar function) societies and organizations, advise all parish societies and organizations at the merging parish to close their treasuries. All documentation must be provided to the rectory when the account is closed.
    • Any remaining society and organizational funds must be transferred into the merging parish’s operating account.
    • For any additional society and organization expenses after relinquishing their funds to the merging parish’s operating account, follow the section on Financial Procedures below.

  2. All standing orders for the merging parish should be reviewed and perhaps reduced/cancelled, including:
    • Diocesan Purchasing
    • Missalette subscription
    • Bulletin publishing contract or orders for bulletin covers
    • Hosts & Sacramental Wine
    • Ash Wednesday Ashes
    • Palms
    • Paschal Candle
    • Music & Copyright licenses
    • Loose leaf lectionaries and Prayers of the Faithful
    • Annual Ordos
    • Publication Subscriptions (e.g. Our Sunday VisitorAmerica Magazine, etc.)
    • Other parish Subscriptions (e.g. Microsoft Office, website hosting, etc.)

  3. Parishioners should be notified of the cancellation of envelopes, for which the merging parish is responsible.
    • Any donors who contribute via ACH or other electronic methods should be contacted to determine an end date for any regular giving to the merging parish.
    • Provide individuals who request them their financial contribution statement or history. Inform parishioners that their requests should be made to the parish prior to the merger.

  4. Be sure to reroute the parish website to the website of the Family of Parishes or the receiving parish for at least one year following the merger. Be sure to remove auto-renewal information. Please refer to the section of this document regarding Communications for other similar items.