Missionary Disciples | June 13, 2023

Flag Day – June 14 (established in 1917)
There are six American flags on the moon.
If you like to study flags, you are a Vexillologist!
Wave the symbol of your freedom
Wear the symbol of your freedom – the cross.

Quote from Living as Missionary Disciples
It is in the parish that one becomes engaged with the church community, learns how to become a missionary disciple of Christ, is nurtured by Scripture, is nourished by the sacraments, is catechized, and ultimately becomes a disciple of Christ. (pg. 13)


George Gallup did a study on the top 100 growing Churches. Here are eight common denominators. Where does your parish fit in?

  1. Mission is to reach those who are not part of the community.
  2. Purpose of Church is to make disciples who will reach out.
  3. Develop friendship evangelism: encourages parishioners to build meaningful relationships with the unchurched.
  4. Trains parishioners to share their faith.
  5. Provides services and events to bring unchurched to the parish.
  6. Moves to family-centered catechesis.
  7. Encourages religious experiences (retreats, spiritual talks, prayer experiences, bible study)
  8. Develops small Christian Communities.


Download this PDF booklet to find numerous suggestions on ways to reach out through hospitality, when new parishioners register and ways to make funerals points of encounter. You are free to duplicate any pages in the booklet for ongoing discussion with your Family of Parishes.

Webinar: The Religious Landscape of the US.

Wednesday, June 21 – 2:00 This free webinar is presented by Fr. Frank DeSiano. This webinar will provide information about trends in the United States and also reflect on opportunities for evangelization. Register here.


Just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can be a layered holiday to celebrate.
Be sure to acknowledge the following:

  • The Ones Who Are Fathers: Those men who are staying in the game with children of their own.
  • The Ones Who Stepped Up: Those men who have stepped in to take care of—and play a fatherly role—for the children who aren’t their own (stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, foster dads, Godfathers, etc.).
  • The Ones Who Are Grieving Their Own Father: Those people in your congregation who are grieving the loss of a father, navigating a strained relationship with their father, or navigating a life lived with an absentee father.
  • The Ones Who Are Grieving Their Own Children: Those who have lost a child through death or through strained relationships, addictions or alienation.
  • Those Ones Who Want To Be Fathers: There are men who long to be fathers of their own. But for some reason, it hasn’t become a reality in their lives yet.

At Mass on Father’s Day:
Lift up every single group of people listed above. You’ll not only encourage them, but you’ll also let them know your church sees and loves them right where they are.

Remind your congregation that no matter where they are in the journey of fatherhood, or what feelings they have about their own fathers, they have access to a God who is Father to all. This is a great opportunity to not only share this message with people who may have never heard it but also to encourage people in your congregation who are struggling without a father in their lives. Let them know that God is there to meet their “Father” need.

Lord, on this Father’s Day we remember biological fathers, step-fathers, foster-fathers, grandfathers, Godfathers, fathers who are incarcerated, fathers who grieve the loss of their father, fathers who have lost a child to death, fathers alienated from their children and those who desire to be fathers. Strengthen them in their role, support them in their weaknesses and walk with them in their pain. We call upon God our Father to hear and answer this prayer. Amen.


Offer a blessing for all young people with a drivers license. Ask them to attend a specific Sunday Mass. Give them a religious medal for their keychain. Prayer could be something like: “God of all protection, we place all of these young people in your care. We rejoice with them in their accomplishment, and challenge them to live up to this responsibility. Bless all of their comings and goings. May no harm come to them or to anyone else on the road. May they be open to the Holy Spirit who will give them the wisdom and prudence needed to make good and mature choices. We ask this through Jesus, your Son. Amen.” (Added suggestion: request their cell number for text messaging and send them weekly “hello’s” from the parish.)

Alpha Events and Timeline:

Alpha is working very closely with the Diocese of Buffalo this year. To understand their commitment to us watch the 16 min. orientation video. Also, view the Partnership Calendar with Alpha.

Dates to Remember:

  • June 21 – 1:00 to 1:30. All are invited to come together via zoom to pray for the needs of the Family of Parishes in this diocese. Join us.
  • June 28:The Culture Conversation – (Online) – Wednesday, June 28th 10:30am-11:30am. Gather with diocesan and parish leaders to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the Catholic Church today. Discuss the importance of sharing values for evangelization that build a culture of making disciples and reaching the unchurched and unengaged in your unique ministry context. Register here.

Alpha courses in the family of parishes (FoP):

  • September 17: Start of Adult Alpha in FoP. 
  • September 24: Start of Youth Alpha in FoP. 
  • Nov. 4:Retreat day for Parishes doing Alpha. There will be two tracks – a track for Adults and a Track for Youth. This will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Springbrook. The theme of the retreat will be the 4 sessions of the Holy Spirit that are part of the Alpha course. 

To learn more about Alpha go to: www.Alphausa.org

One last thought...

We are really three persons: 
The person we think we are,
The person other people think we are,
And the person God knows we are.