Missionary Disciples | April 25

Did you know?
Why is St. Mark’s gospel identified with a lion, Luke’s with a oxen, Matthew’s with a person, and John’s with an eagle?

Go to the opening lines of each gospel and there you will find the answer. Mark’s gospel begins with John the Baptist in the desert where his voice is like a lion’s roar; Luke’s gospel begins with Zachariah in the temple offering sacrifice (an oxen); Matthew’s gospel begins with Jesus’ lineage (listing of people); John’s gospel begins with “in the beginning” thus he begins with a lofty prologue and rises (like an eagle) to pierce the mysteries of God.

Quote from Living as Missionary Disciples

Evangelization invites people to experience the gradual and lifelong process of conversion: to draw all people into a deeper relationship with God, to participate in the sacramental life of the Church and to develop a mature conscience. (p. 12)

A God who hears his people retreat
Two separate options: May 19th or May 20th

Join parish leaders from across the diocese as we take a page out of the Book of Ezra that will inspire us to listen and create a space to share our joy and lament while we seek to rebuild and renew the Church in the Diocese of Buffalo. This free retreat is being offered in two locations: Our Lady of Peace in Clarence and St. Mary’s in Arcade.

The retreat will have 4 parts:

  • Part 1: A People Cry Unto Their God.
  • Part 2: A God Who Comes To His People
  • Part 3: A God Who Empowers His People
  • Part 4: A God Who Inspires His People

Click here to learn more and how to register for this special event.

Please advertise and share with anyone you feel would benefit from this unique experience.

Radical Hospitality Videos

“Radical hospitality is hospitality that goes beyond being friendly; it is welcoming guests with a warmth, openness, and authenticity that significantly exceeds expectations. It is intentional hospitality that surprises and delights people by making them feel noticed, giving them personal attention, and providing excellent follow-through. It is hospitality that makes guests feel so welcome they want to return again and again. Radical Hospitality is the easiest way to pursue growth.” (Gentile and Nixon)

Take time to watch these 3 short videos on Radical Hospitality (RH) from Rebuilt

  • Video 1: Belonging Happens First, Not Last. What does Disney Land and Chick-fil-A, have in common? Radical Hospitality. (10 min. video)
  • Video 2: Not a Committee but a Discipleship Experience. RH deepens our baptismal call to ministry. It’s more than just a nice nod of greeting. (10 min. video)
  • Video 3: Layers of Hospitality and What They Look Like. From the parking lot to the Liturgy, from baptism to the funeral, from stranger to friend – these are all few of the many layers of radical hospitality. (10 min. video)

To watch one or all of the videos click here: Radical Hospitality video 1, 2 and 3

Pentecost Sunday
May 28: Simple Suggestions to Celebrate the Day

After Easter, what could be more exciting than the feast of Pentecost. This is the day we celebrate the explosion of the Spirit upon the world. Not only the birthday of the Church but the day when we are reminded that the name “Christian” means “anointed”, that is, to live as missionary disciples. It is our day and Church voices should be raised all over the diocese.

  • Put a red ribbon at the end of each pew.
  • Encourage all those who come to Mass to wear something red. For those who do not wear red, give them a small red ribbon to pin on.
  • Read the petitions in different languages.
  • Invite parishioners to wear clothing that reflect their heritage.
  • Pray the Our Father in different languages all at the same time.
  • Give out a red balloon to each family and ask them to attach to the outside of their home as a sign to the community that this house is filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Have a potluck supper with dishes from different countries.
  • List the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit on sheets of paper, cut them out and invite people to pick one as they leave Church. (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, knowledge, piety (devotion) and fear of the Lord (honor, respect).
  • Have a birthday cake for the Church’s beginnings.

Want to host a workshop?
Do You Hear What I Hear is an advent event to help people understand the richness of Christmas using Christmas Carols. This workshop trains people to put this on in their Family of Parishes. I would like to offer this in late Spring. If you would like to host this workshop please contact me and we will set up a date. Lalff2@buffalodiocese.org.

LITE & Alpha Information

Family 4: St. Patrick, Randolph, St. James, Jamestown; Sacred Heart, Lakewood; and Holy Apostles, Jamestown started LITE on Sat. April 22. The remaining weeks are April 29, May 6, 13 and 20 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM at St. James Church Hall, Jamestown. For more information contact Renee Sparry srtsperry@verizon.net. All are invited to attend. (on a personal note, I attended the first session on April 22 and was very impressed with the time and attention given to make this morning of reflection such a great success.) This is the video that the FOP’s put out advertising the LITE.

Upcoming Workshop for Life in the Eucharist.
Saturday June 3, St. Joseph’s School in Batavia. 9:00 – 1:00. More details to follow.

Plan on Starting Alpha the week of September 17
We encourage all parishes to consider doing Alpha in the Fall starting the week of September 17. As you know Alpha is an 11-week process with an additional 3 sessions that are conducted “away from the Parish”. The Alpha national office will be coming to Buffalo Saturday, Nov. 4 to conduct these 4 additional sessions which are based on the Holy Spirit. All Family of Parishes that are doing Alpha at this time will be invited to participate in this special gathering. The location has not yet been determined.

Family 25: The Three Sisters of the Foothills (Holy Name of Mary, Ellicottville, St. Philomena, Franklinville and Our Lady of Peace, Salamanca) began their 11-week Alpha program on Monday, April 17. They meet from 6:30 – 8:45 PM. Please keep them in your prayers. For more information contact Deacon Mark Hooper 716-627-4566 pilgrim333@aol.com. All are invited to attend. 


While I was deciding which oat bran cereal to eat this morning,
you were searching the ground for leftover grains from the passing wheat truck.
While I was jogging at the health center,
you were working in the wealthy landowner’s field under a scorching sun.
While I was choosing between diet and regular soda,
your parched lips were yearning for a sip of clean water.
While I complained about the poor service in the gourmet restaurant,
you were gratefully eating a bowl of rice.
While I poured my “fresh and better” detergent into the washing machine,
you stood in the river with your bundle of clothes.
While I read the newspaper and drank my cup of steaming coffee,
you walked the long, dusty miles to a crowded schoolroom to learn how to read.
While I scanned the ads for a bargain on an extra piece of clothing,
you woke up and put on the same shirt and pants that you have worn for many months.
While I built a fourteen-room house for the three of us,
your family of ten found shelter in a one-room hut.
My brothers and sisters, forgive me for my arrogance and my indifference.
Forgive me for not doing my part to change the unjust systems
that keep you suffering and impoverished.
I offer you my promise to become more aware of your situation
and to change my lifestyle as I work for the transformation of our world.”

(Taken from Out of the Ordinary 2000 by Joyce Rupp.)